
Thank you for visiting.

On this site, you’ll be able to find out about my weekly classes and any special one-off events over the coming months.

A Little About Me

I first came to yoga in 2010 when I was searching for a class where I could develop strength and flexibility without becoming tired of the same old routines and gym sessions. I quickly discovered that yoga not only gave me the strength and flexibility that I was searching for but also helped me to focus from within, developing a much stronger mind-body relationship. I used to suffer from an extremely active mind, constantly worrying over the small things with the feeling that the emotions were in the driving seat. I found that practicing yoga enabled me to find a way to live mindfully in the present moment, giving a sense of inner calm and peace that I had never experienced before. I now teach out of my desire to share this practice with as many people as I can.

My Classes

I believe that yoga can be empowering for all,  helping to build confidence and a strong sense of well-being through movement, breath and mind-body connection. You can expect to leave my classes feeling restored and refreshed as I invite you to relax and have fun while simultaneously becoming energised and grounded.

I teach a range of different styles from more relaxing sessions to strength-building classes. Various types of yoga have supported my growth, health and wellbeing and I feel it is important to balance strength with softness, and power with ease.

My Credentials

I have trained with the British Wheel of Yoga at Tri-Yoga in London, completing a 2-year yoga diploma course with renowned teachers Anna Ashby and Tony Watson, which is also accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals

Along with my 2 year diploma, I consistently take new courses, and workshops to keep developing my skills and learning so that I can bring new teachings to my students.